Monday, May 11, 2015

OverCast Episode 5: How would you like to take my money?

Welcome to the newest episode of OverCast!

This new episode was a great one! Thanks to Kaz, we have a brand new overlay for our broadcast! We hope this improves your experience even more! We will keep working on improvements to make this show even better! Tell us what you think about the new look!

This episode was a dive into possible future pay models for Overwatch when it is released. We discuss the aspects of the many pay models out there, and how we think they would fit. Our spotlight features Hanzo this week too!

Let us know what you think about the show, the new look, what you want to hear about from us, or anything else you might want to say by leaving a comment here, on our twitter, or the YouTube video page!

Thank you all for your support, we will return with our live broadcast again on May 24th at 11pm EST/8pm PST on our twitch channel (This link may change as we discussed on the air, but we will let you know.)

Take care!

, The OverCast Crew